
Health Assessment

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**Epistemic Games to Enhance Your Learning !**



Links to My Previous Health Assessment Lectures, etc.

(Includes audio/video mp4 files)


Blaufauss Multimedia Physical Assessment Tools

Pulmonary Breath Sounds

The Auscultation Assistant


The Stanford 25 (Physical Examination Skills)

The McGill University Virtual Stethoscope


Craven's Skills Sheets


Craven Skill 25-1 Weight.doc

Craven 25-2.doc

Craven Skill Sheet 25-4 Auscultating Breath Sounds.doc

Craven Skill 25-5 Bowel.doc

Craven Skill 26-1 Temperature.doc

Craven Skill 26-2 Pulse.doc

Craven Skill 26-3 Respirations.doc

Craven Skill 26-4 Blood Pressure.doc

Craven Skill 26-5.doc

Craven Skill 27-1 Handwashing.doc

Craven Skills 27-2 PPE.doc

Craven Skill 35-1.doc


Regional 'Write-Ups'

( From Jarvis, Physical Examination & Health Assessment: Student laboratory Manual, 6th Edition)


Reg Write Up- Ch 5 Mental Stat.pdf

Reg Write Up- Ch6 Gen Survey VS.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch11 Nutrition.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 12 Skin Hair Nails.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 13 Head Face Neck.pdf


Reg Write Up-Ch 14 Eyes.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 15 Ears.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 16 Nose, Mouth, Throat.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 17 Breasts and Axillae.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 18 Thorax and Lungs.pdf


Reg Write Up-Ch 19 Heart and Neck Vessels.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 20 Periph Vascular and Lymph.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch21 Abdomen.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 22 Musculoskeletal.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 23 Neuro.pdf


Reg Write Up-Ch24 Male GU.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 25 Anus, Rectum, Prostate.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 26 Female GU.pdf

Reg Write Up Ch 27 COMPLETE EXAM.pdf

Reg Write Up-Ch 28 Bedside Inpt Reassessment.pdf




**Epistemic Games to Enhance Your Learning !**


Some Links to Supply Supplemental Information:


Medical Gross Anatomy Page (University of Michigan)

Blaufauss Multimedia Physical Assessment Tools

Pulmonary Breath Sounds

The Auscultation Assistant

The Neurologic Exam

The Stanford 25 (Physical Examination Skills)



For Pediatric Physical Assessment:





General Physical Exam:


Specific Exams:








Head-to-Toe Assessment:


Assessment by Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns:

  • http://gemini.utb.edu/nurs3606_84/box%206-1.pdf - A 2-page questionnaire from Gordon, M. (1994). Nursing diagnosis: Process and application (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby; Gordon, M. (2000). Manual of nursing diagnosis: 1995-1996. St. Louis: Mosby.



ADL Assessment:






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